
thick plum Learn more about thick plum

  • Can the fruit of thick plum cuttage propagation be eaten?

    Can the fruit of thick plum cuttage propagation be eaten?

    Thick plum, this is known to many people, but also a lot of people in breeding, this thick plum blooming flowers and plum flowers are also a bit like, thick plum cutting propagation method is what? Can the fruit of thick plum be eaten: thick plum cutting propagation method: cutting seedling, thick plum is easy to take root in cutting propagation.

  • Sowing and Propagation methods of thick Plum

    Sowing and Propagation methods of thick Plum

    The difficulty of artificial cultivation of thick plum is not high, artificial propagation of thick plum can use the method of sowing, as long as we understand the growth habits of thick plum, the survival rate of thick plum sowing can also be greatly improved. The editor will introduce you to the sowing and reproduction of thick plum. Friends who like thick plum can get to know it together.

  • Sowing method and grafting seedling raising technique of purple leaf thick plum

    Sowing method and grafting seedling raising technique of purple leaf thick plum

    How does the purple leaf thick plum sow and reproduce? Purple-leaf thick plum is a kind of fast-growing plant, which is fond of light. After years of introduction and cultivation in northern China, the excellent characteristics of color-leaf tree species have been highlighted. Let's take a look at the planting and grafting techniques of purple leaf thick plum

  • How to choose the seeds of peach thick plum? What are the breeding methods?

    How to choose the seeds of peach thick plum? What are the breeding methods?

    Mountain peach thick plum is also called spotted leaf thick plum, which is distributed in large quantities in northeast China. It is not strict with soil requirements and has strong adaptability. It can be used as medicine all over the body and has high value. How do you select the seeds of the mountain peach? What are the breeding methods? In the following small series will be given

    2020-11-27 mountain peach thick plum seeds how to select seedling method have which
  • Thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Spruce thick plum cone rust occurs in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, * and other places in China. The disease harms thick branch spruce, yew spruce, Lijiang spruce, oil wheat spruce, fish scale spruce, Xueling spruce, * spruce and so on. Symptoms: the disease harms the positive scales of female cones. The susceptible scales are twisted, anti-curled and disordered. There are many purple-brown globules on the front, which are arranged in a layer, which are the sporidium of the pathogen, and sometimes the spores are also produced on the back of the scale. Pathogen: the pathogen is Cunninghamia lanceolata

  • Control of thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Control of thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Spruce thick plum cone rust occurs in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, * and other places in China. The disease harms thick branch spruce, yew spruce, Lijiang spruce, oil wheat spruce, fish scale spruce, Xueling spruce, * spruce and so on. Symptoms: the disease harms the positive scales of female cones. The susceptible scales are twisted, anti-curled and disordered. There are many purple-brown globules on the front, which are arranged in a layer, which are the sporidium of the pathogen, and sometimes the spores are also produced on the back of the scale.

  • How do you choose the seeds of rotten plums? What are the breeding methods?

    How do you choose the seeds of rotten plums? What are the breeding methods?

    Smelly plum because of its smell and take its name, but it has a good medicinal effect, so there are still many people will plant it specifically, do not call thick plum. How do you select the seeds of those stinky plums? What are the breeding methods? Friends who want to know quickly read the following! a

    2020-11-27 stink plum seed how select seedling method have which
  • To raise tiger thorn plum, these two points should be careful, thick branches, thick leaves and blooming flowers all the year round.

    To raise tiger thorn plum, these two points should be careful, thick branches, thick leaves and blooming flowers all the year round.

    Tiger thorn plum, also known as iron begonia, is a trailing shrub plant with branched stems, longitudinally angled, dense hard and pointed conical thorns, leaves concentrated on young branches, Obovate or oblong spoon-shaped, can blossom throughout the year, high ornamental value, deeply.

  • The nickname of Chong Li

    The nickname of Chong Li

    Thick plum is a woody plant, has a good effect, it will open more beautiful flowers, generally as a shade tree culture. There are still many varieties of it and have different ornamental effects.

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • Chong Li can also call it that.

    Chong Li can also call it that.

    Thick plum is a woody plant, has a good effect, it will open more beautiful flowers, generally as a shade tree culture. There are still many varieties of it and have different ornamental effects.

  • The domesticated tiger thorn plum threw some of its branches into the flowerpot, thick leaves, green flowers and bright roots.

    The domesticated tiger thorn plum threw some of its branches into the flowerpot, thick leaves, green flowers and bright roots.

    Tiger thorn plum is a potted plant preferred by flower friends, its stem is more branched, accompanied by dense hard and sharp conical thorns, leaves concentrated on the twig, the flower is small and gorgeous, looks very chic, super beautiful! Although the tiger thorn plum is not difficult to raise, it should be.

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids

    The flower is produced in Pujiang, Sichuan. Local orchid friends in Pujiang call it Tian Huangsu. It is said that it was excavated by a Lan you surnamed Liu. Due to cultivation reasons, it is said that so far the number of seedlings is still quite small, and the local Lan you has not attracted attention. Tian Huangsu is an angel-it is said that this flower comes from Pujiang County, Chengdu City. Local orchid friends in Pujiang call it Tian Huangsu. The name of an angel.

  • Propagation methods of thick plum

    Propagation methods of thick plum

    Thick plum young leaves bright green, old leaves purple-red, with other tree species, red and green match each other. In gardens and scenic spots, it can be planted alone, in clusters, in groups, or in pieces, or into large color hedges and large flower bed patterns, and can also be used as secondary street trees on urban roads and landscape trees for greening in residential areas.

  • How does triangular plum grow fast? how to fertilize thick triangular plum?

    How does triangular plum grow fast? how to fertilize thick triangular plum?

    Two points that should be paid more attention to for triangular plum are flowering maintenance and branches. Its florescence can be controlled artificially to achieve the effect of flowering throughout the year. So how do you make its branches stout? In fact, it is related to several factors, only

    2020-11-08 Triangle plum how fast thick fertilization for triangle plum need
  • How does the triangle grow thick stems?

    How does the triangle grow thick stems?

    Bougainvillea is a kind of flower plant with large flowers and gorgeous colors, which is very suitable for family potted cultivation. However, if we can raise its trunk thick and cultivate a stump bonsai, it will certainly greatly improve the viewing effect. As we all know, flowering evergreen tree stump bonsai, generally not only can view flowers

  • Chunlan varieties recommend Chunlan matchless plum, Chunlan without double plum picture what are the characteristics of orchids

    Chunlan varieties recommend Chunlan matchless plum, Chunlan without double plum picture what are the characteristics of orchids

    There are many varieties of Chunlan. Do you know the variety of Chunlan matchless plum? This variety is a new species acquired by Xu Zilin people in Shanghai in the past five years. In 1980, Yao bought this flower with five hundred gold, and there were two and three pieces of old Chinese grass. Spread to Wuxi, it changed its name to Moth Peak.

    2019-03-14 Spring orchid variety recommendation unparalleled plum picture orchid flower characteristic
  • Top grade round plum orchid

    Top grade round plum orchid

    Petal type: history of plum petal: in 1979, Zhushuiting in Lizhu, Shaoxing, bought the unknown Miao from Lanyou, Wuxi, and began to bloom 10 years later. Because the old high-grade round plum has been lost, so it is used to replace it. Summary: the outer three-petal round head, tight edge, root, thick petal, soft silkworm moth, flushed, banged tongue. Flowers flat shoulder, color green.

  • Yushan plum cymbidium

    Yushan plum cymbidium

    Leaves long 30cm, wide 1cm, old leaves semi-drooping, no light, leaf tip, leaf vein deep, leaf quality thick, three-petal round head thin root, silkworm moth holding, such as tongue. Three-petal big head thin, tight edge, thick meat, sub-nest silkworm moth holding the heart, such as the tongue, color green shoulder flat, dry thin and long.

  • Yongchun plum cymbidium

    Yongchun plum cymbidium

    Plum petal, a traditional famous product. History: produced in Fuyang Sandy Mountain, Zhejiang Province, circa 1887. Features: leaf semi-drooping, graceful curve, thick leaf, glossy leaf surface, medium leaf width, shallow V-shaped leaf groove. The new bud is green, the leaf shape is broad, the leaf is thick, the coating turns green, the shell is clean, the green waxy is thick, the green scape.
